Who We Are

Since 2005

Leading the fight in Nevada for animal protection, Nevada Voters for Animals is a 501c4 social welfare organization.  We are dedicated to bringing awareness to issues that impact animals through education, lobbying, and advocacy.  Communication with fellow animal activists is key to accomplishing our goals.  Spread the word by sharing our site and keep up to date by following us on Facebook.

Together, we will make a difference.

What We Have Accomplished

Legislation with Impact

Cooney’s Law 

Since animal abuse and domestic violence have been linked, stopping the former may prevent the latter.  The Cruelty to Animals: Prevention and Penalties legislation, co-authored by Nevada Voter’s for Animals President Gina Greisen, makes it a felony to kill, torture or maliciously injure an animal.

Canine Encounter training for police

The Department of Justice classified police killing pets as an epidemic.  Our efforts and partnership with law enforcement have minimized the shooting of pets in Nevada.  This legislation directs state law enforcement agencies to determine when a peace officer employed by that agency is required to be trained in effective responses to incidents involving dogs or where dogs are present and develop minimum standards for such training programs.  We have also assisted victims bring suit for Civil Rights violations.


Sexual abuse of animals can be an indicator of other violent, predatory sex crimes.  This legislation defines, prohibits, and sets penalties for the sexual abuse of animals, making bestiality a gross misdemeanor that is upgraded to a class C felony if the animal is seriously injured or killed, or the perpetrator has been convicted of animal cruelty.  Penalties include removal of a person’s animals, a prohibition on working in jobs around animals, and a mental health evaluation.

Lily’s Law

Lily, chained up in a yard and unable to get to water or shade in August, died in 115-degree temperatures.  Changes to local ordinances protect animals from outdoor elements and addresses how long an animal can be tethered.

Hoarding Law

There is a fine line between rescuing and hoarding animals.  Hoarding can lead to filth and inhumane conditions for people and animals.  This bill revised the definition of mental illness to include hoarding disorder for the purpose of assigning individuals diagnosed to a program for treatment.

What we fight for

Advocacy in Action

Intimidation and Retaliation

We are a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves. The work we do is hard, at times thankless, and not without criticism, but we do it anyway.

Justice for Mora

Our work never ends. In our most recent victory, we successfully fought for a boarding facility owner to be charged with felony animal cruelty after Mora, a rescue dog, died under care in July 2021. On our animal protection laws wish list, Nevada Voters for Animals is actively working with local Council and County Commission leaders to require disclosure of animal deaths by pet facilities’ (boarding, training, grooming, etc.) owners.

The Animal Foundation

KTNV’s Investigative Reporter, Darcy Spears, published a 6-part investigation into The Animal Foundation. Knowing that tax dollars support this organization, Nevada Voters for Animals pushed for and contributed to this story that spotlights the conditions animals in its care endure.


KTNV’s Investigative Reporter, Darcy Spears, published a 5-part investigation into SeaQuest. Nevada Voters for Animals pushed for and contributed to this story that spotlights the conditions animals in its care endure.

Arson Puppy Case

Nevada Voters for Animals advocated a pet store owner and conspirator face criminal charges and maximum penalties for burning the store with 27 puppies inside. We fought for attempted felony animal cruelty charges and to prevent the raffle of puppies.  An injunction was successfully filed and a truce negotiated. The animals were rescued and placed in homes.

Great Pomeranian Rescue

Through investigation, Nevada Voters for Animals discovered 164 Pomeranians being kept in deplorable conditions just over the California border, urging officials to intervene. After a warrant was secured, the owner rented a U-Haul truck, packing the dogs and driving them to Sandy Valley. We searched all day, alerting Metro and Clark County Animal Control of the U-Haul’s whereabouts, and orchestrating the rescue. We are thankful to our law enforcement partners that came together to make this possible!

Justice for Goliath

Goliath was dragged down the street and tied to a pole.  Nevada Voters for Animals uncovered surveillance video and shined a light through a petition and news stories on the immediate need for charges to be filed and a second felony animal cruelty detective to be hired.

Wild Horse Roundup Protests and Wildlife Protection Efforts

Nevada Voters for Animals fights through petitions and protests to stop the abuse of all animals including wild horse roundups and coyote calling contests or hunts.

thousands strong. one voice.

Far and Wide

Nevada Voters for Animals’ advocacy spreads far and wide.  We have fought for the betterment of animal care and penalties for cruelty in countless cases – Flamingo Hotel, Horse-drawn Carriages, Pahrump House of Horror, Petland, SeaQuest, and The Animal Foundation to name a few.  While a lot has been accomplished, there is still so much more work to do.

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